Practice Staff

Buttercross Health Centre and Ilchester Surgery have the following roles and staff to provide support and care to our patient population:

General Practitioners

Dr Chris Krasucki - Clinical Lead

Dr Jo Nicholl - Child Safeguarding Lead

Dr Helena Ahling-Smith

Dr Adrian Bridge

Dr Jared Serrano

Dr Kathryn Patrick

Dr Madeleine Smith

Dr Daniel Berrio-Galan

Nurse Practitioners

Laura Davey - Clinical Lead

Amanda Evans - Advanced Nurse Practitioner

Kay Jones - Advanced Nurse Practitioner

Jaime Wetherell - Advanced Nurse Practitioner


John Digman

Practice Management

Julie Salter - Senior Practice Manager

Lauren Samways - Deputy Practice Manager

Practice Nurses

Liz Tyrer - Lead Nurse

Shannon Buckley

Laura Smith


Healthcare Assistants

Lauren Jagelman - Student Nurse Associate

Courtney Dewland - Student Nurse Associate

Lisa Ricketts





Personalised Care Group

Richard Davis – Health Coach SWW PCN

Sophie Tonks-Hughes – Care Coordinator SSW PCN

Laura Lea - Care Coordinator SSW PCN

Briony Gemmell – Social Prescribing Link Worker SSW PCN


Patient Services Advisors


Babs Bugden

Rachel Bingham

Julie Hawksworth

Emma Howchin

Morag Levy

Joshua Salter

Clare Samways

Sarah Searley

Lorna Stevens

Sue Turner


Sonia Evans - Medical Secretary

Sian Reina - Medical Secretary

Babs Bugden - Health & Safety Lead

Emma Howchin - QOF Lead

Pauline Malik - Medical Records Administrator