Our Opening Hours

Phone lines are open between 8am-8.30am for emergencies.

Buttercross Health Centre

Monday  08.30-18.30
Tuesday 08.30-18.30
Wednesday  08.30-18.30
Thursday  08.30-18.30
Friday  08.30-18.30
Weekend CLOSED

The practice has extended hours on Thursday from 18.30 - 20.00. These are for pre-booked appointments only.

If you need urgent medical assistance between 18.30 and 08.00 Monday to Friday or at weekends and bank holidays, please telephone 111 for support and advice or 999 if it is an emergency.

Ilchester Surgery

Monday  09.00 - 16.00
Tuesday CLOSED
Wednesday 09.00 - 16.00
Thursday CLOSED
Friday 09.00 - 13.00
Weekend CLOSED

Half Day Closures

Buttercross Health Centre and Ilchester Surgery will be closed for half day training on the following dates:






The surgery will be closed from 1pm until 6.30pm.

We will be available for urgent queries ONLY via telephone. The surgery will resume as normal from the following day.

For life threatening illness or injuries please call 999, or attend your local A&E Department.

Thank you for you co-operation!